
During is a common word in the English language with various meanings and uses. In this article, we

During is a common word in the English language with various meanings and uses. In this article, we will explore how to properly pronounce and translate "during" in different contexts, providing a comprehensive understanding of its usage.

How to pronounce "during"

The word "during" is pronounced as /ˈdʊrɪŋ/ with the stress on the first syllable. To break it down, the "du" sounds like the word "do," and the "ring" rhymes with "sing." When pronouncing it, make sure to emphasize the "du" part, while the rest of the word flows smoothly.

Translation of "during"

During as a preposition

In English, "during" primarily functions as a preposition, indicating a period of time when something happens. Its translation in different languages usually depends on the specific language's grammar and vocabulary.

In Spanish, "during" is translated as "durante." For instance, the phrase "during the summer" would be translated as "durante el verano." Similarly, in French, "during" can be translated as "pendant," as in "pendant l'été."

It's important to note that not all languages have a direct translation for "during," and different phrasings might be used to convey the same meaning.

During as a verb form

Aside from being a preposition, "during" can also function as a verb form in specific contexts, usually in continuous verb tenses. For example, the sentence "I was during my work when the phone rang" uses "during" as a verb form, indicating an ongoing action at a specific moment.

When translating this usage of "during" to other languages, the specific verb form and tense should be considered. It's important to follow the grammatical rules of the target language to ensure accurate translation.

Inclusive vs. exclusive use of "during"

When using "during," it's essential to consider whether the mentioned period of time is inclusive or exclusive. Inclusive use means that the activity or event took place throughout the mentioned time, while exclusive use means that it occurred specifically within that time frame.

For example, the statement "She read a book during the weekend" implies an exclusive use of "during," suggesting that she read the book at some point within the weekend. On the other hand, saying "She relaxed during the vacation" includes the notion that her relaxation spanned the entire vacation period.

Understanding the inclusive or exclusive nature of "during" enables effective communication and prevents ambiguity in conveying time-related information.


In summary, "during" is a versatile word in English, serving as a preposition and a verb form. Its pronunciation follows the pattern of /ˈdʊrɪŋ/, with stress on the first syllable. When translating "during," it's crucial to consider the specific language's grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, being mindful of the inclusive or exclusive nature of "during" ensures accurate conveyance of time-related information. By mastering the pronunciation and translation of "during," non-native English speakers can enhance their language proficiency and communicate more effectively.





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