
What is the English word for “椅子”?If you’re learning English or planning to travel to an English-speaking country, it’s important to know how to say common items in English. One such item is a “椅子”. In English, the word for “椅子” is “chair”. This is an imp

What is the English word for “椅子”?

If you’re learning English or planning to travel to an English-speaking country, it’s important to know how to say common items in English. One such item is a “椅子”. In English, the word for “椅子” is “chair”. This is an important word to know, not only for traveling, but also for business meetings, social events, and other situations where you might need to communicate in English.

Types of chairs

Chairs come in many different shapes and sizes. Here are a few common types of chairs:

Dining chair

A dining chair is used for sitting at a table during meals. Dining chairs usually have a backrest and four legs, and are designed to be comfortable for sitting for long periods of time. They are often sold in sets and come in a variety of styles and materials.


An armchair is a comfortable chair with armrests on either side. They are often used in living rooms or home offices, and are designed for relaxation or reading. Armchairs can be found in many different materials, including leather, fabric, and wood.


A recliner is an armchair that can be adjusted to different angles, allowing the user to lean back and put their feet up. They are often used for watching TV or napping, and can be found in many different materials, including leather and fabric.

Rocking chair

A rocking chair is a chair that moves back and forth on curved legs. They are often used for relaxing or reading, and can be found in many different styles and materials.

Office chair

An office chair is a chair designed for use at a desk in an office or workspace. They usually have a swivel base and wheels, and are designed to be comfortable for sitting for long periods of time.


Knowing the English word for “椅子” is important for communication in an English-speaking environment. Additionally, understanding the different types of chairs can help you choose the right chair for your needs. Whether you’re looking for a comfortable armchair to read in, a recliner to watch TV in, or an office chair for your workspace, there is a chair for every purpose.




What is the English word for “椅子”?If you’re learning English or planning to travel to an English-speaking country, it’s important to know how to say common items in English. One such item is a “椅子”. In English, the word for “椅子” is “chair”. This is an imp




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